Saturday, October 14, 2006

Religion IS Marquee Moon

I was driving just now, from West Seattle, back up to Ballard.

It's been cold and foggy and at night the West Seattle/99 stretch of highway is all container ports, those big cranes, the piers into the harbor, the black black, forever black of the bay - then there was the low clouds covering up half the tall buildings down town. Very awesome visually.

To top it off, i had put in Marquee Moon, and cued up the track Marquee Moon and set about to driving in that very intense, careful way that I do. And I swear, as the sodium lights were streaking by, and the flat black of the harbor was on my left. I had a religious experience. Not the kind where you've got the music on, and the lights are wonderfull and then God starts talking to you. Nope. Mine is where the visuals are happnin' and the spectacular, spare, and complicated, emotional music that was on 9 or 10 on the volume dial IS religion. God doesn't speak to or through Tom Verlaine during that song. God takes notes. God says "Oh."

Curtis Mayfield tells us if there's a hell below, we all gonna go. Well, i guess that makes the blapheming alright then. Keep my seat warm, Curtis.

-Dr. Confusion

1 comment:

Myku said...

Dr. Confusion + Television? Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.