Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Santana Shreds

I just wet myself laughing at these. hand to god - the funniest thing on the internet since some guy did a face plant on his bmx bike.


they are ALL funny.

especially this one.

(shame they won't let us embed them)
Via Questionable Content.
-Dr. Confusion

Friday, November 09, 2007

Pack-Rat Confessions, Part 1

About a week ago, I had all of these boss ideas for posts for the ER. But then, school happened, life happened, and I forgot what I wanted to say. eek.

One thing I've been noticing lately, though, is that I seem to have acquired an inability to get rid of music in my collection. I think I'm a musical pack-rat. There's loads of full albums that need to be purged from my music vault, but that I simply don't have the heart to toss out. Even worse, I don't seem to have the ability to break up albums either. For me, everything is digital now, so it would be so easy to simply keep the one or two good songs on an album and ditch the rest... but I can't. I simply can't bring myself to do it. There seems to be this issue of posterity that keeps coming up with me- that I want to keep everything that I can because it's all important somehow. This leads me to question: Am I building a music collection or a music library?

Maybe it's a library until I run out of space on the hard-drive, then it will become a collection...